Hi, my name is

Benzerdjeb Adnane. I am a Software Engineer

I am a highly motivated and skilled software engineer with a passion for software development. With a strong addiction to technology,I specialize in web development using ReactJS and NodeJS and mobile development using React Native and Flutter. I am also a big fan of UI/UX design and I am a self-taught designer.

01. About Me

My name is Benzerdjeb Adnane a software engineer based in Tlemcen,Algeria Studied Computer Science in university of Abou-Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen.

Here are some tech stacks I Have been working with recently:

T3 Stack

Building Scalable web applications using NextJS, TailwindCSS, Prisma, Trpc.

MERN Stack

Building APIs using NodeJS and Express, and using ReactJS for the frontend.

TALL Stack

Building web apps using TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, Laravel and Livewire.

Backend Development

Building Scalable APIs using different technologies like NodeJS, Python, PHP.

Cross Platform Mobile Apps Developement

Building mobile apps using Flutter, React Native and BaaS.

Native Mobile Apps Developement

Building mobile apps with Kotlin or Java for Android.

02. Experience

  • Google Developers

Core Team Member & Design department manager


Oct. 2022 - Present

  • Specializing in Web developement (React, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB)
  • Organizing events.
  • Participating in online/offline events and workshops.
  • Sharing knowledge and helping students to learn new technologies.
  • Creating Design for events and social media.
  • Leading the Design department.

03. Built Projects


Featured Project


Dynamic platform made using MERN STACK and React Native for hikers in Algeria, offering captivating hikes and a shop selling specialty products.

  • React
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • React Native

Featured Project

Algeria Eats

Algeria Eats is an online platform facilitating the ordering of sweet and savory food. Artisans showcase their creations, and dedicated delivery personnel ensure timely deliveries. The website seamlessly connects customers with a diverse culinary experience.

  • TailwindCSS
  • AlpineJS
  • Laravel
  • Livewire
  • MySQL
  • Flutter
  • GetX

Featured Project

Movies App

I developed a movies app using Flutter and BLoC architecture, integrating with The Movie Database (TMDB) API. The app streamlines the movie search process, providing users with a seamless and intuitive interface to discover and explore a wide range of movies.

  • Flutter
  • BLoC
  • Hive

Featured Project

Multi Vendor Web App

This is a multi-vendor web app that allows vendors to register and sell their products online with the possibility to chat with customers and receive payments online.

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • SocketIO
  • React

Featured Project


Waffir is a freelance project for a food delivery app developed using Firebase and Flutter. The app enables buyers to browse food options, place orders, and track them, while sellers can create listings, manage orders, and process payments. Google Maps is integrated for location services, and GetX is utilized for state management, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.

  • Flutter
  • GetX
  • Firebase
  • Google Maps

Get in touch

Fill in the form to start a conversation

Tlemcen, 13016, Algeria
+213 5606900167